Live Home PT - Genuine Care Physical Therapy

Welcome to Live Home PT!

Stuck at Home with Pain?

Do you have pain, injury, or a problem? Do you have a loved one who suffers from it? It is very common that people want to just ‘wait and see’ how it goes. Or, blaming old age, your injury, or your old job and just living with it. 

There is tons of information online that is supposed to help you make decisions, but sometimes it just makes you more confused. 

We are hearing these stories all the time… Frustrated to find out what is the best solution. 

Everybody wants to know…

Why has this happened to me? What have I done?


Why, after over six months, do I still have the pain, injury, or problem?

Do you feel like you are stuck at home with pain? No more having fun with friends and family. Hard to catch with grandkids, stopped playing golf or tennis. Feeling agony after gardening for an hour? Difficult to sleep without tossing all around due to pain you have” 

Does it sound like you?

Another story we hear from our patients all the time in our physical therapy clinic is when a patient goes to a doctor's office, and the doctor recommends them to rest and take these pain pills and come back when things do not go well. 

But this is not the best advice and often a few weeks later, they end up going back to the doctor because pain getting worse, they are often increase the dosage or give another prescription that is even stronger with advice of avoiding more activities. This is a vicious cycle so many people 45+ are suffering with pain, injury, or problem.

Has this type of thing happen to You?

Another common problem is that patients often cannot diagnose themselves, and in the process they turn to many different sources for information. But between Google, your friend, your mother, and your local GP, it’s difficult to find the right answers. What is the root cause of the problem? Too many different diagnoses, or too many people giving you different advice, often leads to procrastination by the patient. In the worst case scenario, the patient just accepts the pain, suffering daily, and losing the joy from their life in the process. 

Does This Describe How You Feel?

You Are Not Alone. If You Have Pain, Here Are Seven Additional Reasons You May Be Suffering From It Longer Than You Should Be:

  • 1. You’ve been hoping your pain will disappear one day, but it hasn’t.
  • 2. You did what the doctors told you to do - take painkillers and wait and see – but the pills did nothing and the pain simply returned even worse once they wore off.
  • 3. Friends and family told you to expect pain as you got older, and not only that, but to just accept it. This has led you to believe it’s common, or genetic, and therefore, has led to procrastination and increased pain. 
  • 4. You already tried other healthcare providers or physical therapists, but they didn’t help you much. That may have led you to believe that an invasive procedure, such as getting shots or surgery, is the only solution to your problem.
  • 5. You tried figuring things out on your own. You even tried online exercises and watched countless videos, but nothing has worked. And now your pain is ten times worse.
  • 6. You decided to rest for a while, thinking that this might be helpful. But even though you weren’t working, and you were resting in this way, the pain still irritated – and continues to irritate – you daily.
  • 7. You thought getting a few ’massages’ would solve the problem, but all these massages did was make you feel relaxed: they were only a temporary solution to a much more complex problem.

If any of these sound like your story, we can help you. Our experience with countless clients who share your problem allow us to give you the best advice and treatment possible.  We’d love to invite you to book a “Live Home Physical Therapy” with one of our board certified specialists at Genuine Care Physical Therapy. The good news is, you now know what is NOT working, and it is time to do the things that DO work. 

For advice that WORKS, click the link below and have a chat with one of our dedicated physical therapists. This call is totally complementary and requires no further obligation. We care and want what’s best for you. Our job is to help you make the right decision FOR YOU and YOUR FUTURE. 

You’ve identified that your problem is not just simple, and you now know the most common mistakes associated with your condition. What’s next?

What Needs To Be Done to Stop Pain?

Here are four things you need to do:

  • 1. First, get professional, quality help. People tend to procrastinate for too long, and as they wish for the pain to disappear, they become increasingly immobile. How many more days do you want to lose due to pain, stiffness, or injury?
  • 2. Do exercises that WORK. One of the most effective ways to get rid of pain and to prevent the pain from re-surfacing is to do customized progressive exercises. These exercises are prescribed by one of our professional physical therapists and will definitely help reduce pain, give you more mobility, and prevent the problem from recurring.  
  • 3. Stay Active.  Be conscious of when your pain increases; this is often the case after sitting and resting for extended periods of time. The human body is not designed to sit for extended periods of time as sitting weakens muscles. In the modern world, where we drive, type, and work at desks, it is very important to be aware of how much time we are sitting for. Personalized exercises, which include stretching and strengthening, help alleviate the effects of sitting and would be incredibly beneficial for your pain. Alongside hands-on therapy that makes you move without increasing pain, we will help you to become more ACTIVE and MOBILE – for life.
  • 4. Get real and hire one of our specialized physical therapists.  At Genuine Care Physical Therapy, we know how to handle your pain. Contact us immediately if you experience any one of the following:
  • Your pain is stopping you from having an active lifestyle.
  • Your sleep is being affected by tightness and sharp pain.
  • You cannot perform your job duties because of nagging pain
  • Valuable time with friends or family is being lost due to the pain and stiffness.

Physical Therapy will help you to get back the life you want and deserve, and here at Genuine Care Physical Therapy we aim to give you that life as soon as possible. 

If you’d like to learn more about how our physical therapy team at Genuine Care Physical Therapy can help you live a pain free life we invite you to book a completely free, non-obligatory, and risk free appointment TODAY!

The good news is we are here in San Diego helping thousands of people overcome their pain and injury without painkillers, injections, surgeries. We are here to help you to make the best decisions for your health, regardless of your time limit or where you live.

Think about how it's going to be within 5 years. Do you see yourself getting better or worse?

The reason why these didn’t work for you is because they failed to correctly diagnose and treat the actual cause of the problem.  

The great news is we are now offering “Live Home PT”. You can borrow our brain and find out exactly what is going on and how to solve the problem. 

Why Would You Choose “Live Home PT”?

  • It allows you to stay safe and comfortable at home without worrying about exposing yourself to many people or places.
  • You don’t have to leave your kids and loved one who you need to supervise them.
  • It fits your busy lifestyle. 
  • It is one of the most time and cost effective ways to consult with an expert. 
  • You need customized exercises that solve your problem for good.  

It is as Easy as 1,2,3.


First you open the text or email that we will send to you.


Second, click the link that we sent.


Third, click the yes button to download the program and open it.

Finding the right diagnosis always starts with a thorough history taking, when it hurt during a 24 hour time frame, what aggravates your problem, and what eases your pain. These answers give us great insight.  We then watch your sitting, standing and lying posture, we will watch the way you walk, and ask you to move little by little, not only in the specific area that you are in pain but above and below that joint as well.

You need an expert who has a great ear to listen and sharp eyes to watch you move as well as experience and knowledge in evidence based practice application, you will finally solve your problem. Stops searching google. Stop your frustration. We are going to spend enough time to figure out and you can be in your house or office.

I know some of you might not be tech savvy but the good news is that if you can check your email, our sessions can happen with a phone or laptop with a webcam. We are going to guide you through. You don’t have to drive or fly, wait in a waiting room to see us  stay wherever you are either it is in your home or office.

We have a great success story in San Diego. Our customers are happy to stop taking medication and finally go back to the life they enjoyed dearly. Playing golf again without back pain, able to cook and gardening again without aggravating shoulder and back pain, back to work without restriction and pain, catching up with family and friends when they go hiking or vacation. Finally sleeping without tossing around due to pain. Keep traveling all around the world.

Do you need help with this successful story to be yours?  It can start with clicking below now. We can offer a tryout session if you need it. Click the button below to get started...

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