Stiffness Archives - Genuine Care Physical Therapy
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Stiff and Suffering from Tech Neck? Stretches can help!

Stiff and Suffering from Tech Neck? Stretches can help!

For a lot of us, yoga class isn’t calm and relaxing. We aren’t soothed by the prospects of dangling upside down or stretching our limbs into geometric shapes. Instead of breathing deeply, our panicked breath comes fast and quick as we feel like a giraffe being taught ballet or a hippopotamus attempting the splits. StretchingContinue Reading »

Stop Feeling Stiff and Old Today

Stop Feeling Stiff and Old Today

Generally, people blame their age for stiffness; they consider stiffness as something that we all live with it. It is a convenient scapegoat: people didn’t have this stiffness when they were younger. But, is it all about age? Think about this for a moment: people are not getting old and stiff, but stiff and old. Let’sContinue Reading »

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