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Time to Slow the Aging Process

Time to Slow the Aging Process

Blue zones are regions of the world in which people live much longer than the average life-expectancy. That’s pretty amazing, right? An example of one blue zone is Loma Linda, an area in America in which, according to National Geographic, “some residents live 10 more healthy years than the average American”. But, why is that? HowContinue Reading »

7 Tips for a Pain Free Vacation

7 Tips for a Pain Free Vacation

So, you’re going on vacation… and here at Genuine Care Physical Therapy we know that finding a better place than San Diego for your getaway is tough. Yet, off you go to Hawaii or a beautiful mountain resort while thousands of tourist flock to our little piece of paradise. And why not? Change is aContinue Reading »

Anti-Inflammatories: Extinguishing the Fire

Anti-Inflammatories: Extinguishing the Fire

We’ve all heard the talk, witnessed the health store slogans, all seen the online adverts selling miraculous new anti-inflammatory foods, but what are they, and why exactly do we need them? Well, in all my years in the health industry I have come to realize that it’s useful to peel back the layers of hypeContinue Reading »

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