Chronic Pain Archives - Genuine Care Physical Therapy
Paul Gough Health Tips

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Want Treatment That Works? Try our Cash-Based Physical Therapy!

Want Treatment That Works? Try our Cash-Based Physical Therapy!

  We get a lot of phone calls asking questions about our practice. People just like you ask us what conditions we treat, sharing their stories of botched surgeries, recurring injuries, and unexplained pain. They ask us what “modalities” we use, referencing cold laser therapy or electro-stimulation treatment, desperate for anything that might help them.Continue Reading »

You are Worth the Time and Effort

You are Worth the Time and Effort

The other day, a patient shared with me the number of years that she has suffered with her pain. She told me how she just kept going, kept pushing through, until her pain worsened to the point that she couldn’t ignore it anymore. I commented that her journey with pain is something that I haveContinue Reading »

Stiff and Suffering from Tech Neck? Stretches can help!

Stiff and Suffering from Tech Neck? Stretches can help!

For a lot of us, yoga class isn’t calm and relaxing. We aren’t soothed by the prospects of dangling upside down or stretching our limbs into geometric shapes. Instead of breathing deeply, our panicked breath comes fast and quick as we feel like a giraffe being taught ballet or a hippopotamus attempting the splits. StretchingContinue Reading »

The Connection Between Mindset and Chronic Pain

The Connection Between Mindset and Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is highly complex. Oftentimes, we think of pain as stemming from a physiological issue and nothing more. Our knee hurts, and we think that the problem must be in the knee and only there. But this perspective forgets that all pain is processed by the central nervous system. Your nerves through your spinalContinue Reading »

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