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Stop Anxiety from Taking Over Your Life

Stop Anxiety from Taking Over Your Life

There’s no denying it: we are collectively in a season of uncertainty and change.  It has been one whole year since COVID-19 upended our lives here in California. That’s 12 months since the first lockdown. At this point, masks feel normal (making us comment, while watching movies, why are they so close together?), group gatheringsContinue Reading »

3 Ways to Bust Stress in 5 Minutes or Less

3 Ways to Bust Stress in 5 Minutes or Less

For many of us, stress is such a normal part of our daily lives that we have come to expect it. Yet, this familiar hamster wheel of anxiety isn’t good for us, and leaves us tense, irritable, exhausted, and perpetually drained. We lose patience easily, struggle staying focused, and constantly long for a vacation. We’veContinue Reading »

Stiff and Suffering from Tech Neck? Stretches can help!

Stiff and Suffering from Tech Neck? Stretches can help!

For a lot of us, yoga class isn’t calm and relaxing. We aren’t soothed by the prospects of dangling upside down or stretching our limbs into geometric shapes. Instead of breathing deeply, our panicked breath comes fast and quick as we feel like a giraffe being taught ballet or a hippopotamus attempting the splits. StretchingContinue Reading »

Gratitude: The Science of Why It Matters

Gratitude: The Science of Why It Matters

2020 has undoubtedly been a hard year for everyone. We’ve wrestled with a pandemic, a global shut-down, unpredictable and explosive politics, and a generalized sense of anxiety.I’m certain that, if someone had asked any of us in January what we thought this year would be like, none of us would have predicted this. Perhaps unsurprisingly,Continue Reading »

Why We Need to Practice Stillness

Why We Need to Practice Stillness

Our current cultural moment is complex and nuanced. Southern California is well-known for being fast paced, with fast cars and fast people, a place filled with side hustles and overworked professionals. Even on our days off, our schedules are jam packed with social engagements and obligatory errands. We are chronically tired, forgetting to prioritize sleep,Continue Reading »

Parental Stress During the Summer Break

Parental Stress During the Summer Break

Finally, the summer break is here. The kids are all excited, but what about you, mom? Do you enjoy your children’s summer break as much as they do, or do you feel overwhelmed by dealing with them 24/7? You are not alone. Inquiries from mothers have been on the increase over the last few weeks:Continue Reading »

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